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IVF (In Vitro Fertilization ):-

IVF is In Vitro Fertilization (fertilization outside the body ). IVF is adding a man's sperm to his wife`s eggs in the laboratory, to produce embryos. The fertilized embryos are placed in the uterus, to get the pregnancy. IVF is an option for many couples who cannot conceive through conventional therapies.

Following are the indication for IVF consideration.

  1. Tubal problem
  2. Male factor
  3. Endometriosis
  4. Uterine problems
  5. Unexplained infertility
  6. Age
  7. Ovulatory problems
  8. Antibody problems that harm sperm or eggs
  9. Cervical hostility

These are the basic five steps of an IVF cycle.

  1. Ovulation induction :- injectables medicines is used to develop 10-12 mature follicles
  2. Egg retrieval: when the follicles are mature, the egg aspiration is done, to remove the eggs. An ultrasound guided vaginal aspiration, with special ovum pick up needle is done.
  3. Fertilization and embryo culture: sperms are either mixed or injected, into an oocyte, on various times interval, depending upon the maturity of the oocyte. The resultant embryos are cultured for 3 or for 5 days.
  4. Embryo transfer: with the help of embryo transfer catheter embryos are delicately transferred in the endometrial cavity.
  5. Pregnancy test : About 14 days after embryo transfer a blood test is done for pregnancy hormone, beta hCG.

A patient undergoing IVF does not require admission. One has to visit the center 3-5 times during monitoring cycle. On the day of egg collection, the patient would need to fast for 6 hours & come to clinic (the procedure takes about half an hour). Patients can go home after the effect of anaesthesia goes off, which takes about 2-3 hours. The next scheduled visit is after 2-3 days for the embryo transfer, which takes about half an hour and patient is free to go home, after resting for one hour.

The precautions require are, avoids strenous activity, be mentally & physically relaxed as much as possible, can return to work if you wish, but first prefer to have a few days rest.

Studies have shown that there is no increased risk of abnormality in IVF conceived babies compared to those conceived naturally.After embryo transfer lying flat in bed is best. Once can lie on one side or back, whoever is more comfortable. For sexual activities, as such there is no scientific studies done on this subject, but it is okay to resume normal sexual relations after three to four days from transfer.

The first IVF baby was Louise Brown, born on July 25, 1978 at Oldham General Hospital, Oldham, England through a planned caesarean section at Oldham General Hospital.