IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination):-
IUI, is Intra Uterine Insemination.It is to place, the processed and washed sperms directly into a woman's uterus, to help in conception.During normal intercourse, only a small percentage of a man`s sperm passes the woman`s cervix and enters the uterus to fertilize the woman's egg.
Most of the sperm that is ejaculated during intercourse remains in the vagina and a small percentage of it travel, through cervical canal, where they are stored and released gradually into the uterus over the period for fertilization. But, this amount is only a fraction of the total amount of sperm ejaculated. IUI increases the chances of pregnancy because it does few things. First, it removes any obstacles that could keep sperm from entering the uterus, such as