Laproscopy | Life Care Hospital Sangli | Fertility Center in Sangli | Fertility Center in Miraj | IVF Specialists in Sangli, Miraj | Laproscopy | Fertility Center with maternity home | IVF | IUI | ICSI | Hystroscopy | TLH | PCOS | DR. Deepak Shikhare | Dr. Meenal Shikhare | Sangli Kolhapur Road



Laparoscopy is a procedure used to examine the organs of the abdominal and pelvic cavities and treat conditions using minimally invasive surgery.

Minimally invasive surgery uses specialized techniques and advanced technology such as miniature cameras, fiber optics and high-definition monitors to perform diagnostic and operative procedures. These procedures require small incisions or no incisions.

The advantages of minimally invasive surgery include:

  1. Shorter overall recovery time.
  2. Faster return to regular activities.
  3. Alternatives to open surgery.
  4. shorter inpatient stays for procedures requiring admission.
  5. better cosmetic results.

Two minimally invasive techniques commonly used are laparoscopy and hysteroscopy.

  1. Laparoscopy uses a laparoscope, a thin tube containing a video camera. The laparoscope is placed through a small incision in the abdomen and produces images that can be seen on a computer screen. Several small tubes are placed in the abdomen. Different instruments are placed through these tubes in order to perform surgical procedures.
  2. The advantage of laparoscopy is that it allows a direct view of the abdominal organs and structures without the need for major surgery. Laparoscopy also allows surgical procedures to be performed using small incisions.
Laparoscopic Treatment Options:-

Many procedures that were traditionally only done through large open incisions can now be done laparoscopically. The types of surgeries include:

  1. laparoscopic myomectomy for the removal of large fibroids or multiple fibroids.
  2. laparoscopic treatment of advanced stage endometriosis.
  3. laparoscopic procedures in patients with a history of multiple prior surgeries.
  4. laparoscopic tubal reanastomosis (tubal ligation reversal).
  5. laparoscopic removal of large benign ovarian masses or cysts.

Many surgical procedures that required major surgery in the past can be done through laparoscopy now.

These are called Fertility Enhancing Laparoscopy- laparoscopy done to increase the fertilization.

Hysteroscopic Treatment Options:-

Hysteroscopy is done using a hysteroscope, a thin, lighted tube that is inserted into the vagina to examine the cervix and inside of the uterus.

Hysteroscopy can be either diagnostic or operative.

Some of the hysteroscopy procedures,

  1. diagnostic for evaluation of infertility, along with laparoscopy
  2. removal of scar tissue from the inside of the uterus(adhesions, Asherman's syndrome)
  3. removal of a uterine septum,
  4. removal of foreign body- impacted foetal bones
  5. cannulation for proximal tubal block
  6. hese are performed in the operation theater under anesthesia.



Incision Care:

Keep the operation site clean and dry.


Soft and healthy food is preferred, can eat whatever you feel you can tolerate. The nausea from the anesthesia or pain medication which may decrease the appetite. Lots of clear liquids are usually advised.


Rest for eight days is necessary; avoid strenuous activity or sports for about two weeks after surgery, There are no specific restrictions on activity.


Mild pelvic/abdominal discomfort and Shoulder pain is common, after laproscopy. Oral pain medication is given to reduce the pain.It will resolve spontaneously within few days. Menstrual cycle- The first several menstrual cycles after surgery may be more uncomfortable than usual. Surgical manipulation can often disrupt the normal timing of menstruation. earlier or later than expected (anytime from a few days after surgery to several months). As a general rule, you should feel better 48 hours after surgery.


Eight days after surgery. If you have concerns prior to this, please feel free to call hospital, at any time.

Please call the hospital ,if you experience any of the following:

Temperature greater than 101 degrees Incisions with increasing areas of redness, thick or colored discharge, or worsening tenderness Nausea and vomiting, unable to tolerate anything by mouth Vaginal bleeding, more than one pad every hour Foul-smelling vaginal discharge progressively worsening pain